Greta and Matthew’s writing credits include the kids animated series Jar Dwellers SOS (Amazon Prime). They created Touched by an Angle Grinder, a sketch series that screened on ABC Australia. Their comedy pilot Inner Beast made the 2018 BloodList. Their pilot My Fist Your Face was selected for the Australians in Film Gateway LA Aussie List.
They wrote the thriller feature film Event Zero. It was released via VICE in the USA and screened in Australian cinemas. The genre was way more serious than Greta and Matthew’s usual work, but it did allow them to destroy beautiful Sydney Harbour (well, not literally).
They now live in LA eating every taco they can.
Thanks to Final Draft for selecting our female buddy comedy adventure, Pony Up, as a 2019 finalist in their Big Break feature contest.
As longtime fans of Jeff Goldsmith’s Q&A podcast, we’re thrilled to be interviewed for the January 2019 issue of his excellent screenwriting magazine, Backstory. We talk about our 2018 BloodList script Inner Beast. Read it here, and subscribe.
Script Pipeline also interviewed us about our journey working as screenwriters in Australia and the US. Take a look.
We’re stunned to learn our horror comedy pilot Inner Beast has made the 2018 BloodList, the industry’s yearly selection of the best unproduced horror and dark genre screenplays.
The script is available to download and read from The BloodList website.
Yay! Our horror-comedy pilot, Inner Beast, is a finalist in the 2018 Script Pipeline TV Writing Contest.
An earlier script of ours, My Fist Your Face, made the finals a few years ago. We're excited to have been selected by this awesome and supportive organisation once more.
We were lucky to write 3 episodes in the latest season of the super-fun animated series Jar Dwellers SOS from Melbourne studio Viskatoons, currently on Amazon Prime and Channel 11 Australia.
Check out the series on Amazon Prime.
Our comedy pilot My Fist Your Face was selected for the CineStory TV/Digital Retreat in Idyllwild, California. We had an amazing time working with fellow writers and mentors in a splendid mountain setting.
The kind folks at LiveRead LA and Australians In Film also recently picked My Fist Your Face for their April live read in LA.